Hi, my name is
I bring graphic design and user experience to the world of computers
I am a Software Engineer with formal studies in Computer Science. Since I discovered that User Experience was a thing, I am commited to merge the world of algorithms and developers with the complexity of human interaction and graphic design, in order to create solutions hand in hand with real-world users.
I'm proactive, outgoing and detail-oriented. During college I constantly participated in student organizations, teaching and mentoring, where I learned to work both as a team member and as a leader. I am always looking for ways to contribute to my community while improving my skills in the process.
I have experience in small and medium sized teams, where I've supplied both the technical and creative side of the project, and also larger groups where I've helped bridge the gap between developers and designers.
Real-estate marketplace platform
Jan - Jul 2021
Nutrition and fitness consulting
Dec 2019 - Jan 2020
Professional network for performance artists
Jan - Oct 2019
Tech solutions for people with visual impairment
Jan 2017 - Apr 2018
Six-year degree: Two years of common mathematics and physics foundations + four years of theoretical computer science and practical software engineering.
NN Group is a global leader and pioneer in research-based user experience consulting. I took their certification program with the following courses:
My personal projects demonstrate my interest in data visualization, a user-centered philosophy, and creating a social impact.
Many of these projects originated from a specific need for information or in response to emerging problems, hence most have very straightforward stacks.
I try to keep things simple and focus on usefulness and usability over complexity or technical prowess.
Platform for managing massive student sports tournaments
Mar - Nov 2022
Developed as my final project for my CS degree, this platform prototype aims to consolidate all information related to the organization of faculty sports tournaments in a single collaborative place. This not only streamlines the work of the organizers, but also allows the students to be transparently informed about the tournament's progress and match results.
The platform underwent a complete refactor from a previous discontinued version, migrating from a Django-only stack to a separate frontend and API, and including user studies and UX design.
Real-time visualization of the Metro de Santiago stations status.
Oct 2019 - Mar 2020
Developed in direct response to the October 2019 Social Outbreak protests in Chile, which resulted in daily temporary closures and long-term unavailability of several stations, causing confusion and chaos among passengers.
This project gained viral traction across social media platforms due to the scarcity of official information. People even resorted to printing screenshots and placing them directly in some of the affected stations.
View demo (Discontinued)
Telegram notifications for changes made to university course catalog
Jul 2019 - Ongoing
With a highly flexible curriculum, a wide range of elective courses, and frequent schedule and availability changes, registering for classes in my faculty often requires some strategic planning to secure desired courses. This bot offers students timely updates on the course catalog, enabling them to plan their registrations more effectively.
The bot scrapes the University of Chile catalog and sends notifications to subscribed users when a course is added, removed or modified. Users can customize their subscriptions based on specific courses or departments.
Due to hosting restrictions on a student server and the intended maintenance by basic-level users, the bot is designed with a simple JSON-based data architecture. I have plans for a more robust API and web interface approach in the future.
Inform about municipal COVID restriction stages on Telegram.
May - Aug 2021
During the pandemic, Chile implemented a "Paso a paso" ("Step by step") plan, which established weekly restriction levels for each municipality using a 4-tier system. This Telegram bot allowed you to query and search for the status of any municipality and delivered weekly notifications of all changes on a public channel. The data was updated automatically through scraping or manual input.
Visualization showing progress of negotiations during a student strike
Jun - Aug 2019
In 2019, a nationwide student strike took place addressing mental health issues. As part of the Computer Sciences Student Government, we conducted our own internal and very constructive negotiations with department authorities. To ensure transparency and keep the student body informed about the progress of these negotiations, I developed a visualization that organized the petitions by topic, displaying their negotiation status and feasibility.
Considering the purely expository and fast-paced nature of the situation, I opted for plain HTML and CSS, with a simple JSON-based data architecture.